Friday 20 November 2009

There is an occasion to throw out cigarettes

The world day of refusal of smoking is marked every Thursday November.
One year ago in Slavyansk to this date city public organisation "Сприяння" in cooperation with student's parliament of faculty of preschool education and practical psychology СГПУ carried out the action on an exchange of cigarettes for disks, calendar cards, the booklets, self-glued pictures. Has financed the student's action Fund of the population of the United Nations in Ukraine.
Present «the third Thursday» has coincided with quarantine in connection with a flu, therefore antinicotinic youth actions in Slavyansk is not expected. At the same time the director of the Slavic city centre of social services for children, a family and Vera Pavlova youth has explained that propagation of a healthy way of life and work under the prevention of any negative phenomena in the youth environment is conducted constantly. In educational institutions talks, lectures are given. Are switched to children's and teenage improving health resorts in the summer.
In the Center of social services on this question it is collected enough information. It is possible to address individually, and everything that is necessary, will be given. Center phone: 3-45-54 (from 8:00 to 17:00 hours, per the working days).
In Slavyansk is 11 booths specialising on sale of cigarettes. Whether their network will extend further – it is not known: according to the chief of department of regulation of trade relations of Julia Kolomiets, quantity of shops where cigarettes are on sale, in a city it is enough. However, the lawful bases to prevent installation of new stalls, at executive committee are not present. The Indispensable condition – similar shops should not settle down more close than in 150 metres from educational institutions

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