Thursday 29 October 2009

Sales of cigarettes of decrease VIRGINIA

As Governor Timoti M.Kejn tries the double taxation of the state on cigarettes to receive more money for public health services, the state statistics shows that sales of cigarettes have decreased after two previous rounds of increase in taxes.

Officials State tax to notice that other factors, including on struggle against smoking of campaign and social changes in habits to smoking, and also, probably, promoted decrease.

Packs of the cigarettes sold in Virginia in 2004-2007 financial year it was reduced about 719.6 mln. dollars of the USA in 2004 to 617 million in 2005 to 597 million in 2006 and to 581 mln. dollars of the USA in 2007.

The state the tax to a pack of cigarettes has gone from 2,5 cents a pack on 20 cents Pack on September, 1st, 2004 within the limits of of that time Gov. Mark R. Warner ' S $1,4 billion increase of taxes. Then it has gone to 30 cents Pack on July, 1st, 2005.

Кейн suggests to increase state tax to 60 cents Pack on July, 1st. By its estimations, doubling state tax cigarettes will generate additional $155 million a year to help to compensate to the state expenses on Medicaid. Cigarettes the state tax incomes have made $168 million in 2007 financial year, in comparison with 172 mln. dollars of the USA last year.

The State of Delaware Harry Rudolfovich Purkey, R-R-scourge, the chairman of Chamber of Financial committee, speaks, most likely the panel will occupy offered tax Kaine we Will increase this week. It has estimated the chances as unreliable.

Though it committee-men are not interrogated, Purkey has told: "I think that it is difficult probability of transfer. It has some supporters, but there is a lot of resistance from outside the public, and also business community".

"Flowing excise cigarettes Virginia the tax covers less than half from $400 million in expenses Medicaid that smoking creates", the address has told Kaine on January, 14th in its states of Commonwealth.

"I consider that taxes to smoking should correspond more accurately to the budget of the expenses, which tax bearers bear Virginia because of smoking".

The bill of Felps, press-richmond to basis Altria, the parent company "Filip Morris", has told sales of cigarettes national decreased 2 to 3 percent a year within last 10 years. Reductions in the State of Virginia was about 2 percent a year.

Has asked, increase in taxes are at the bottom, Felps speaks: "There are many factors". He has told that some smokers pass on бездымные tobacco products. Altria recently has paid $10 млрд in Ust incl., the basic manufacturer of tobacco.

The offer of the governor comes as the Congress the pack, from 39 cents to $1st covering of additional 4 million children within the limits of the State medical insurance of children of the Program is going to consider the problem again on increase of the federal tax to cigarettes on 61 cents. The president George Bush has put a veto that increase in 2007.

The American society of a cancer the Network of actions tells a cancer of federal increase in the tax "will prevent more than 900000 death connected with smoking and restraint almost 1,9 million children from lifelong consumers of tobacco products".

Кейн speaks, what even at increase to 60 cents a pack, State tax Virginia on cigarettes to the former will make about half of average on the country.

Altria and Philip Morris auxiliary one of the largest employers in this area, opposes increases.

"We consider that it is unfair to allocate one branch to bear tax burden, especially here, in Virginia where Altria is the large employer," tells Felps. Altria and Philip Morris it is occupied more than 5000 persons, basically in area Richmond.

"It will have negative influence not only on manufacturers, but on sellers, and also tobacco cultivation", Felps has added.

According to internal the research prepared for Altria, 57 states have confirmed increase in excises between 2003 financial year and in 2007 financial year. Only in 16 cases state incomes tax to meet forecasts, researches have shown.

Virginia predicted 63 mln. dollars of the USA annual growth of a gain from realisation, however actual growth has made $10 million that more low, research has shown.

Officials of the State tax has told, however, that manufacturers preliminary have got excise marks till September, 2004 Increase to avoid high tax so figures are not representative.

Including money that the tobacco companies pays to the state in the tobacco industry, Virginia realises nearby $460 million a year from taxes to tobacco products, Felps has told.

Дэйв DeBiasi, the representative of the American pulmonary association and other organisations of public health services against smoking, has told to economy of Virginia hardly will stop, if growth of taxes is slowed down sales. More than 1,2 billion person smokes all over the world, he has told.

Its group виргинцев on the healthy future, insists on 89 cents a pack of increase in the state tax which will bring Virginia to an average index on the country at a rate of 1,19 packs. Welcoming Kaine for attempt to lift taxes, DeBiasi has told 30 cents will not lead to reduction of consumption of cigarettes because the company will absorb most likely to increase.

But the increase at 89 cents in packing will be motivated Virginia with 43000 smokers to give up smoking and stop about 82000 children, beginning from a habit, he has told.

The Harward school of public public health services has informed in June that "the star size in the general decrease in consumption of tobacco products in the USA, can be illusory" because while sales of cigarettes constantly fall, sales of small cigars, a roll own tobacco products and damp tobacco grow.

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