Thursday 29 October 2009

Women smoke not to type weight

Five of ten women, Holland Dont to give up smoking, because they are afraid to put on weight. 44 % of women consider that smoking makes positive impact on their weight. Results of the research spent among 525 smokers of Holland and the former smokers are more low resulted. Smoking in the majority of them inseparably linked with process of reception of pleasure from meal and the pleasant company.

As it was found out, 80 % of smokers to consider the given moment after meal there will be a hard time for refusal of smoking.

Alarms concerning excess weight are not vain, that is actually smoking strengthens process of a metabolism which decreases when the person stops to smoke. Various kinds of researches have shown that people who wish to give up smoking, receive 2-5 kg.

Dieticians also Dont to deny a metabolism role, but thus they have noticed that the former smokers start to eat much, and they also to change a food stereotype. Another is eaten with many sweets. All it leads in excessive weight. According to dieticians, the person should begin a diet a diary which will convince persons from thought that people of weight is in its own hands.

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